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Showing posts from July, 2017

Støre vil gi eldre kjærlighetsgaranti og teknologi - ABC Nyheter

– Eldre som har delt et langt liv, skal ha rett til å bo sammen også når de blir gamle og må flytte på institusjon, sier Støre. Han hadde selv pleietrengende foreldre på sykehjem som fikk beskjed om at de kanskje ikke kunne få bo samme sted lenger. – Det ga en utrygghet i livene deres som jeg mener eldre skal få slippe, sier han. Støre understreker at garantien gjelder eldre der begge har behov for pleie, men lover samtidig å se på oppfølgingen av pleietrengendes familie. En nasjonal pårørendestrategi er en del av Arbeiderpartiets omsorgsplan som Støre lanserte mandag. Den skal gjøre det mulig for flere eldre å bo hjemme lenger, blant annet ved utvikling og bruk av velferdsteknologi. I tillegg vil partiet bedre kvaliteten i omsorgstjenestene og satse mer på aktiviteter. Ap vil sette av 250 millioner kroner årlig i neste stortingsperiode for å utvikle ny teknologi som blant annet kan gjøre det mulig å bli boende lenger hjemme. Et annet grep i planen er å la studenter få bo billig...

What's Behind PERISAI PETROLEUM TEKNOLOGI BHD (0047.KL)'s Movement - Financial Newsweek

PERISAI PETROLEUM TEKNOLOGI BHD ( 0047.KL) shares are moving today on volatility  0.00% or 0.00 from the open.  The   BM listed company  saw a recent bid of 0.05 and  803000 shares have traded hands in the session. Novice investors might be striving to create a trading strategy that produces results in the equity market. Once all the research is complete and the stocks are picked, they may need to decide what kind of time frame they will be working with in terms of buying and selling. Some investors will be making longer-term term plays, and others will be trying to make shorter-term moves. At some point, every investor will have to decide when to sell a winner and when to cut loose a loser. This can be one of the most difficult decisions to make. Investors may find it really hard to sell an underperforming stock when they still believe that it will turn around and move to profit. Waiting around for a turn around that may never come can lead to the...

Støre vil gi eldre kjærlighetsgaranti og teknologi - ABC Nyheter

– Eldre som har delt et langt liv skal ha rett til å bo sammen også når de blir gamle og må flytte på institusjon, sier Støre. Han lanserte mandag Arbeiderpartiets omsorgsplan. Den skal gjøre det mulig for flere eldre å bo hjemme lenger blant annet ved utvikling og bruk av velferdsteknologi. I tillegg vil partiet gjennomføre en kvalitetsreform og satsing på aktiviteter. Blant annet skal det opprettes en tilskuddsordning for prosjekter som gir flere hele og faste stillinger i eldreomsorgen. Ap lover å sette av 250 millioner kroner årlig i neste stortingsperiode for å utvikle ny teknologi. For øvrig gjør Støre det klart at eldresatsingen skal finansieres gjennom styrket kommuneøkonomi og påpeker at kommunene vil få 2–3 milliarder kroner mer å rutte med neste år med Ap ved makten. Han framholder at eldreomsorgen viser det veivalget han mener årets stortingsvalg innebærer. – Her får vi temaet velferd versus skattelette satt på spissen. Det jeg legger fram kommer utvilsomt til å koste...

Teknologi Mobil Impian Saya, Memahami Kebutuhan Perempuan -  – Teknologi mobil kian pesat. Perlahan tetapi pasti, kita benar-benar akan melihat teknologi mobil impian yang awalnya hanya bisa ditonton melalui imaji film-film science fiction  Hollywood. Bagi penggemar berat film science fiction Hollywood yang umumnya memanjakan imajinasi, percayalah bahwa teknologi mobil terbang ala Flying Ford Anglia dalam film Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets, kini sudah dikembangkan oleh Terrafugia Industry yang berbasis di Boston. Terrafugia TF-X - The fully autonomous flying car yang mempunyai kecepatan hingga 320 kilometer per jam, dengan jarak tempuh mencapai 800 kilometer ini tak lama akan berseliweran di langit-langit dunia. Baca selengkapnya... Let's block ads! (Why?) Baca Kelanjutan Teknologi Mobil Impian Saya, Memahami Kebutuhan Perempuan - :

Perkembangan Pesat Teknologi Picu PHK Di Industri TI - RMOL.CO (Siaran Pers)

RMOL. Pemutusan Hubungan Kerja (PHK) di industri Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (TIK) bisa dimaklumi.  Sebab pada dasarnya, ranah usaha itu menuntut perubahan secara berkelanjutan. Imbasnya terkadang menimpa tenaga kerja. "Industri teknologi adalah industri yang paling dinamis dengan banyak perubahan yang terjadi secara kontinu. Pelakunya juga harus mampu bergerak dinamis mengikuti trend perubahan teknologi," kata praktisi industri TIK, Hermawan Sutanto kepada wartawan di Jakarta, Senin (31/7). Seperti diketahui, Tim Nasional Percepatan Penanggulangan Kemiskinan (TNP2K) menilai PHK di sektor industri TIK karena pergeseran teknologi. Hal ini memang tak bisa dihindarkan, mengingat sifat industri itu yang sangat dinamis. Hermawan melihat efisiensi tersebut merupakan cara tersendiri dari pelaku industri, terutama untuk berinvestasi di bidang yang lebih sesuai dengan prediksi di masa depan. Ada trend yang berubah dan waktu perubahannya tak menentu di industri TIK. B...

Berita Teknologi Viral: Apple Stop Produksi iPod Nano dan Shuffle -

Senin, 31 Juli 2017 | 08:52 WIB Seniman tato Dave Hurban sebuah iPod Nano yang melekat pada pergelangan tangannya melalui tindik magnetik yang ditanam di tangannya di New York, Amerika Serikat, Senin (14/5). REUTERS/Keith Bedford TEMPO.CO , California - Laman berita teknologi Engadget mengabarkan, Apple akan menghentikan produksi iPod Nano dan Shuffle. Meski beberapa produknya masih bisa dibeli di distributor resmi, Apple menyatakan memberhentikan dua jenis perangkat pemutar musik tersebut. Keduanya pertama kali lahir pada 2005. Sebaliknya, Apple menghadirkan produk iPod Touch terbaru. Ada dua pilihan kapasitas, yakni 32 gigabita dengan harga US$ 199 (sekitar Rp 2,69 juta) dan kapasitas 128 gigabita dengan harga US$ 299 (sekitar Rp 4,1 juta). Baca: Berita Teknologi : Xiaomi Resmi Luncurkan MIUI 9 Berita dihentikannya produk iPod Nano dan Shuffle ini tentu bukan hal yang mengejutkan. Sebelumnya, pada 2014, Apple juga menghentikan iPod Clasic dan tak lagi melahirkan gener...

PERISAI PETROLEUM TEKNOLOGI BHD (0047.KL) Seeing Increased Volatility in Session - Concord Register

Needle moving action has been spotted in PERISAI PETROLEUM TEKNOLOGI BHD ( 0047.KL) as shares are moving today on volatility  0.00% or 0.00 from the open.  The   BM listed company  saw a recent bid of 0.05 and  21000 shares have traded hands in the session. Novice investors might be striving to create a trading strategy that produces results in the equity market. Once all the research is complete and the stocks are picked, they may need to decide what kind of time frame they will be working with in terms of buying and selling. Some investors will be making longer-term term plays, and others will be trying to make shorter-term moves. At some point, every investor will have to decide when to sell a winner and when to cut loose a loser. This can be one of the most difficult decisions to make. Investors may find it really hard to sell an underperforming stock when they still believe that it will turn around and move to profit. Waiting around for a turn...

Ross Ulbricht (33) drømte om å bli teknologi-gründer. I stedet må han sitte ... -

*3 valgfrie pocketbøker kan hentes hos alle ARKs fysiske butikker og gjelder kun pocketbøker som ligger på torget merket med budskapet ALLE POCKETBØKER PÅ TORGET -50%. Du får tilsendt en hentekode for å hente bøkene hos ARK. Bøkene må hentes innen 2 uker fra bestillingsdato. Let's block ads! (Why?) Baca Kelanjutan Ross Ulbricht (33) drømte om å bli teknologi-gründer. I stedet må han sitte ... - :

Putting the Technicals Into Perspective For PERISAI PETROLEUM TEKNOLOGI BHD (0047.KL) - Trion Journal

PERISAI PETROLEUM TEKNOLOGI BHD (0047.KL) touched 0.05 on a recent bid indicating that the Tenkan line is still hovering below the Kijun Sen.  This represents bearish momentum for the shares. Whether or not the shares are ready to break further to the downside is yet to be seen.   The Tenkan Sen / Kijun Sen Cross signal occurs when the Tenkan Sen (Turning line) crosses the Kijun Sen (Standard line). A bearish signal occurs when the Tenkan Sen crosses from above to below the Kijun Sen. The Ichimoku Kinko Hyo system includes five kinds of signal, of which this site highlights the most recent of each for each ticker. The Ichimoku signals, including all Ichimoku elements, should never be taken in isolation, but considered in the context of the overall chart. Ichimoku Kinko Hyo is a visual technical analysis system and the charts are designed to be considered in their entirety, with regard given to the relationships between all of the elements, including the price....

Putting the Technicals Into Perspective For PERISAI PETROLEUM TEKNOLOGI BHD (0047.KL) - Trion Journal

PERISAI PETROLEUM TEKNOLOGI BHD (0047.KL) touched 0.05 on a recent bid indicating that the Tenkan line is still hovering below the Kijun Sen.  This represents bearish momentum for the shares. Whether or not the shares are ready to break further to the downside is yet to be seen.   The Tenkan Sen / Kijun Sen Cross signal occurs when the Tenkan Sen (Turning line) crosses the Kijun Sen (Standard line). A bearish signal occurs when the Tenkan Sen crosses from above to below the Kijun Sen. The Ichimoku Kinko Hyo system includes five kinds of signal, of which this site highlights the most recent of each for each ticker. The Ichimoku signals, including all Ichimoku elements, should never be taken in isolation, but considered in the context of the overall chart. Ichimoku Kinko Hyo is a visual technical analysis system and the charts are designed to be considered in their entirety, with regard given to the relationships between all of the elements, including the price....

Google udvikler teknologi til fusionsenergi - DR Fyn

Af Morten Greve Google har i samarbejde med et unavngivent firma, der arbejder med kernefusion, udviklet en computeralgoritme, der skal gøre det langt hurtigere at eksperimentere med plasma i fusionsteknologi. Det skriver blandt andet The Guardian . I fusionsteknologi kombineres atomer ved ekstreme temperaturer, hvilket er med til at skabe enorme energimængder. Men processen er nærmest umuligt at beregne, fortæller Ted Baltz, der arbejder for Googles team for accelereret videnskab: Det er hinsides, hvad vi kan løse selv med computerkraft på Google-niveau, fortæller han til den engelske avis. Læs også: Googles fremtidsbriller genopstår som værktøj i industrien For at kompensere har Google nu i stedet kombineret deres enorme computerkraft med menneskelig dømmekraft for at finde nye løsninger på komplekse problemstillinger. En kombination af menneske og maskine I stedet for udelukkende at stole på Googles rå computerkraft udviklede virksomheden et system, som de kalder The Opt...

Teknologi Getaran Magnetik untuk Pengobatan Depresi - Tekno, Jakarta - Semua manusia pasti memiliki masalah. Mulai dari hal sederhana, sampai hal rumit. Biasanya jika sudah tertekan dan tidak mampu mengatasi masalah, seseorang cenderung mengalami stres, bahkan depresi. Ada beberapa cara untuk mengatasi depresi. Misalnya pergi ke psikolog atau ke psikiater. Terkini ada teknologi bernama Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS). Teknologi ini diklaim mampu menjadi alternatif baru untuk penyembuhan depresi. TMS merupakan bagian dari perawatan yang disebut neuromodulation , sebuah cara menghilangkan rasa sakit dengan stimulasi saraf.  TMS mengirim getaran magnetik ke otak pasien. Getaran ini merangsang bagian otak yang kurang aktif. Dengan rangsangan yang bersifat kontinu, hal ini tidak hanya mengubah satu area otak, tetapi juga seluruh jaringan otak. Saat ini para dokter dari University of California, Los Angeles, sedang mempelajari potensi TMC untuk mengobati beberapa penyakit lainnya misalnya skizofrenia, Parkinson, atau ...

Ini Teknologi Canggih Penipu China yang Dibekuk di Surabaya -  – Sebanyak 93 orang komplotan penipu internasional ditangkap di sebuah rumah Graha Family Surabaya, Jawa Timur, pada Sabtu, 29 Juli 2017. Dalam beraksi, mereka menggunakan teknologi informasi yang canggih sehingga sulit diendus. Komplotan kejahatan siber itu menyasar korbannya di China dan Taiwan, tetapi dikendalikan dari Indonesia. Sejumlah kota dijadikan pusat kendali, seperti Jakarta, Bandung, Bali, Batam, dan Surabaya. Di Surabaya, mereka berada di empat lokasi. "Mereka mayoritas dari China dan Taiwan," kata Ketua Tim Satgas Khusus Mabes Polri, Ajun Komisaris Besar Polisi Susatyo Purnomo Condro, kepada wartawan di lokasi penggerebekan Perumahan Graha Family Blok N/1 Surabaya, Jawa Timur, Sabtu malam. Saat beraksi, pelaku mula-mula membobol data nasabah sejumlah bank di negara mereka, China. Nasabah lalu dihubungi dan dikatakan tersangkut tindak pidana. Korban diminta menemui polisi gadungan, komplotan pelaku yang berada di China atau Taiwan. Korban tidak ...

TMMIN Pilih Teknologi Hibrida untuk Masa Depan -

Jakarta, KompasOtomotif - Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia ( TMMIN ), tidak hanya memproduksi mobil dengan teknologi mesin konvesional. Khusus produk ekspor, sudah membuat mesin etanol, hingga CNG pada Vios. Ke depan, Indonesia juga sudah mengarah kepada mobil ramah lingkungan, sehingga para produsen harus menyiapkan penggunaan bahan bakar alternatif. Pemerintah Indonesia juga belum lama ini mengumumkan bahwa akan mendukung kendaraan ramah lingkungan, salah satunya mobil listrik. TMMIN sebagai produsen yang memproduksi mobil Toyota di Indonesia, dibandingkan teknologi yang ada lebih memilih dengan hibrida . Baca: Toyota Indonesia Sudah Jual Ribuan Mobil Hibrida "Karena hibrida itu masa depannya sudah jelas, ujung-ujungnya memang ke listrik, tetapi tidak serumit mobil listrik," kata Warih Andang Tjahjono, President Director PT TMMIN di Jakarta, Jumat (28/7/2017) malam. Mobil listrik, lanjut Warih membutuhkan persiapan yang cukup matang, salah satunya infrastruktur ...

Teknologi Honda Sensing Tak Cocok di Indonesia - (Blog)

All New Honda Accord Jakarta, – Fitur keamanan jadi salah satu yang ditawarkan produsen otomotif pada konsumen saat ini. Semakin canggih fitur keamanannya maka dipastikan produk tersebut dipandang aman oleh konsumen. Honda memiliki teknologi Honda Sensing di pasar luar negeri. Teknologi tersebut memiliki beberapa kemampuan seperti lane departure warning, coalision mitigation braking system, lane keeping assist , dan adaptive cruise control . Teknologi ini belum juga dikenalkan di Indonesia terlebih pada perkenalan Jazz terbaru beberapa waktu lalu. Lantas kapan teknologi ini bisa dinikmati konsumen di Tanah Air? “Honda Sensing cocok diaplikasikan di negara yang cukup maju infrastrukturnya sehingga dapat bermanfaat bagi pengendara. Misalnya saja garis jalan yang jelas atau rambu-rambu yang ada di tiap jarak,” ucap Jonfis Fandy, Direktur Pemasaran dan Layanan Purnajual PT Honda Prospect Motor (HPM) beberapa waktu lalu. Honda Sensing pernah dikenalkan pada Accord 2015....

Teknologi, hets og sanksjoner - Adresseavisen

Saken oppdateres. Vi lever heldigvis i et samfunn hvor vi ikke forbyr all oppførsel vi misliker ved lov, og slik har det også vært i de fleste samfunn til alle tider. Likevel går vi ikke alle rundt og lyver hverandre rett opp i ansiktet, bedrar våre kjærester eller kaller hverandre stygge ting hver eneste gang vi skulle bli fristet til det. Hvorfor ikke? Det finnes selvsagt flere grunner til det, men en av de viktigste er fenomenet sosiale sanksjoner. LES OGSÅ: Kontorene på rådhuset bør luftes ut Når folk oppfører seg bedritent vil andre mennesker finne ut av det, og kanskje også snakke sammen og dele erfaringer, og slike «drittsekker» vil ikke lenger ha tillit hos andre og de vil bli stengt ute av stadig flere sosiale sammenhenger. Vi mennesker er sosiale dyr, så dette er smertefullt, og dermed også en effektiv metode til å tidvis holde enkelte av våre mindre flatterende drifter i sjakk. LES OGSÅ: Utspill mot ferierende ordfører Men mens både hets og sanksjoner tidligere skj...

Zahid: I am loyal to Najib and his Islamic ideas - Malay Mail Online

Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi delivering a speech during the closing ceremony of the International Ulama Conference at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia in Kuala Lumpur, July 28, 2017. — Bernama pic KUALA LUMPUR, July 28 — Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi reiterated today his loyalty to Datuk Seri Najib Razak and said he will continue to assist the prime minister in promoting moderate Islam. Zahid, speaking off the cuff before an international congregation of ulama from around the world, said he will work hard to translate the prime minister’s views of Islam in governance. “I am loyal to Najib,” Zahid said while delivering the closing speech of the International Ulama Conference 2017 at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia here. “And I believe in his idea of moderation and I will assist him to translate his idea of moderation into the system,” he added. The assertion was not part of his address but was made in an impromptu reply to one of the intern...

Google udvikler teknologi til fusionsenergi - DR

Af Morten Greve Google har i samarbejde med et unavngivent firma, der arbejder med kernefusion, udviklet en computeralgoritme, der skal gøre det langt hurtigere at eksperimentere med plasma i fusionsteknologi. Det skriver blandt andet The Guardian . I fusionsteknologi kombineres atomer ved ekstreme temperaturer, hvilket er med til at skabe enorme energimængder. Men processen er nærmest umuligt at beregne, fortæller Ted Baltz, der arbejder for Googles team for accelereret videnskab: Det er hinsides, hvad vi kan løse selv med computerkraft på Google-niveau, fortæller han til den engelske avis. Læs også: Googles fremtidsbriller genopstår som værktøj i industrien For at kompensere har Google nu i stedet kombineret deres enorme computerkraft med menneskelig dømmekraft for at finde nye løsninger på komplekse problemstillinger. En kombination af menneske og maskine I stedet for udelukkende at stole på Googles rå computerkraft udviklede virksomheden et system, som de kalder The Opt...

AS Pelit Ilmu, Indonesia-Korsel Cari Teknologi Pesawat Eropa -  – Pemerintah Indonesia dan Republik Korea Selatan menjajaki kerja sama dengan sejumlah negara di Eropa untuk memperoleh empat dari 25 pengetahuan teknologi yang diperlukan terkait pembangunan pesawat tempur Korea Fighter Xperiment-Indonesia Fighter Xperiment atau dikenal dengan KFX/IFX. Hal itu dilakukan menyusul tak kunjung diberikannya empat lisensi pengetahuan teknologi itu oleh Amerika Serikat yang melarang Lockheed Martin, perusahaan dirgantara AS yang memiliki pengetahuan teknologi tersebut, menjualnya kepada Indonesia-Korsel.   "Empat teknologi inti tidak akan diberikan AS ke siapa pun termasuk Korea. Untuk teknologinya sendiri, dari 25 teknologi, masih minus sembilan. Lima di antaranya bisa disediakan Korea sementara empat tidak akan diberikan," ujar Kepala Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan (Balitbang) Kementerian Pertahanan, Anne Kusmayati di Kantor Kemenhan, Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat, Jakarta Pusat, Jumat, 28 Juli 2017. "Makanya sekarang sudah ...

Elang Mahkota Teknologi Tbk (EMTK.JK) Share Price Above Rising Trendline - The Times

Elang Mahkota Teknologi Tbk (EMTK.JK) moved  0.00% in the most recent session, touching a recent bid of  11500.00.  Current price levels place the shares above the rising trendline.   A principle of technical analysis is that once a trend has been formed (two or more peaks/troughs have touched the trendline and reversed direction) it will remain intact until broken. That sounds much more simplistic than it is! The goal is to analyze the current trend using trendlines and then either invest with the current trend until the trendline is broken, or wait for the trendline to be broken and then invest with the new (opposite) trend. One of the basic tenets put forth by Charles Dow in the Dow Theory is that security prices do trend. Trends are often measured and identified by “trendlines.” A trendline is a sloping line that is drawn between two or more prominent points on a chart. Rising trends are defined by a trendline that is drawn between two or more troughs (low po...

Jet Tempur KFX/IFX Mengadopsi 4 Teknologi Eropa -

Jum'at, 28 Juli 2017 | 16:09 WIB REUTERS/Yonhap TEMPO.CO , Jakarta - Pesawat jet tempur KFX/IFX buatan Indonesia - Korea Selatan akan dilengkapi 4 teknologi dari Eropa. Alih teknologi Eropa tersebut setelah Amerika memberikan teknologinya untuk menunjang pesawat tempur baru itu. "Empat teknologi itu tidak akan diberikan Amerika pada siapa pun, termasuk Korea," kata Kepala Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kementerian Pertahanan, Anne Kusmayati, dalam jumpa pers di Kementerian Pertahanan, Jumat, 28 Juli 2017. Namun, kendala tersebut bisa diatasi dengan kerjasama yang dicapai Korea Selatan dengan pihak dari Eropa. Baca: Indonesia-Korea Mulai Produksi Jet Tempur Semi Siluman Empat teknologi utama dalam pesawat tempur tersebut adalah electronically scanned array (AESA) radar, infrared search and track (IRST), electronic optics targeting pod (EOTGP), dan Radio Frequency Jammer . Sebenarnya, jumlah teknologi yang dibutuhkan masih kurang 9 lagi. Namun lima teknologi ...

Nrgedge & Petroedge Sign MOU with Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS - IT Business Net (press release)

July 25, 2017 -- Kuala Lumpur - 25 July, 2017 - A memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signing ceremony was held today between Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP) and PetroEdge Pte. Ltd. (AsiaEdge Pte. Ltd.) and NrgEdge Pte. Ltd. for the development of student digital learning and career progress in the energy industry. The event was held at UTPs Centre for Advanced and Professional Education (CAPE), Kuala Lumpur. This international MOU marks UTP as being one of the earliest adopters to such strategic partnership in this region. The collaboration between UTP and PetroEdge, a specialist in oil and gas training provider entity of AsiaEdge Pte. Ltd., and NrgEdge Pte. Ltd., a professional networking platform for the energy industry, will be in effect for three years. It aims to establish a formal collaboration between the companies in providing training and networking opportunities specifically within the oil and gas, energy industry. This will allow UTP students and lecturers to netw...

Shares Seesawing on Volume: PERISAI PETROLEUM TEKNOLOGI BHD (0047.KL) - Rockville Register

Shares of  PERISAI PETROLEUM TEKNOLOGI BHD ( 0047.KL) are moving on volatility today  0.00% or 0.00 from the open.  The   BM listed company  saw a recent bid of 0.05 and  280200 shares have traded hands in the session. Stock market investors typically have to deal with the risk element when making decisions about specific holdings. There will always be a trade-off between risk and reward, and this is quite evident in the equity market. In general, the more that someone is willing to risk, the higher the potential gains. Investors might need to be willing to identify their risk levels before attempting to jump into the fray. Some investors will choose to play it safe while others will opt to swing for the fences. Managing risk becomes increasingly more important when economic conditions are cloudy. Accumulating the most amount of understanding and relevant information about a company may be a good place to start. Studying a company’s position in...

Elang Mahkota Teknologi Tbk (EMTK.JK) Share Price Above Rising Trendline - The Times

Elang Mahkota Teknologi Tbk (EMTK.JK) moved  0.00% in the most recent session, touching a recent bid of  11500.00.  Current price levels place the shares above the rising trendline.   A principle of technical analysis is that once a trend has been formed (two or more peaks/troughs have touched the trendline and reversed direction) it will remain intact until broken. That sounds much more simplistic than it is! The goal is to analyze the current trend using trendlines and then either invest with the current trend until the trendline is broken, or wait for the trendline to be broken and then invest with the new (opposite) trend. One of the basic tenets put forth by Charles Dow in the Dow Theory is that security prices do trend. Trends are often measured and identified by “trendlines.” A trendline is a sloping line that is drawn between two or more prominent points on a chart. Rising trends are defined by a trendline that is drawn between two or more troughs (low po...

Nrgedge & Petroedge Sign MOU with Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS - IT Business Net (press release)

July 25, 2017 -- Kuala Lumpur - 25 July, 2017 - A memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signing ceremony was held today between Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP) and PetroEdge Pte. Ltd. (AsiaEdge Pte. Ltd.) and NrgEdge Pte. Ltd. for the development of student digital learning and career progress in the energy industry. The event was held at UTPs Centre for Advanced and Professional Education (CAPE), Kuala Lumpur. This international MOU marks UTP as being one of the earliest adopters to such strategic partnership in this region. The collaboration between UTP and PetroEdge, a specialist in oil and gas training provider entity of AsiaEdge Pte. Ltd., and NrgEdge Pte. Ltd., a professional networking platform for the energy industry, will be in effect for three years. It aims to establish a formal collaboration between the companies in providing training and networking opportunities specifically within the oil and gas, energy industry. This will allow UTP students and lecturers to netw...

Needle Tilting Mid-Session For PERISAI PETROLEUM TEKNOLOGI BHD (0047.KL) - Sparta Review

Shares of PERISAI PETROLEUM TEKNOLOGI BHD (0047.KL) have seen the needle move 0.00% or 0.00 in the most recent session. The BM listed company saw a recent bid of $0.045 on 116000 volume.  Being able to sell a winner can provide obvious profits, and it may even be a confidence booster for the average investor. On the flip side, investors may also be faced with the decision of when to sell a loser. Even the most researched trades can go sour. Being able to detach from the trade mentally can end up saving the investor more grief down the line. Holding onto a stock with the hopes of a giant turnaround can be a recipe for portfolio disaster. Being able to cut losses is just as much a part of the process as being able to cash in winners. Learning from mistakes and being able to wipe the slate clean can help the investor be better prepared for future endeavors in the markets.  Deep diving into the technical levels for </span> PERISAI PETROLE...

Nrgedge & Petroedge Sign MOU with Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS - Digital Journal

Kuala Lumpur - 25 July, 2017 - A memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signing ceremony was held today between Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP) and PetroEdge Pte. Ltd. (AsiaEdge Pte. Ltd.) and NrgEdge Pte. Ltd. for the development of student digital learning and career progress in the energy industry. The event was held at UTP’s Centre for Advanced and Professional Education (CAPE), Kuala Lumpur. This international MOU marks UTP as being one of the earliest adopters to such strategic partnership in this region. The collaboration between UTP and PetroEdge, a specialist in oil and gas training provider entity of AsiaEdge Pte. Ltd., and NrgEdge Pte. Ltd., a professional networking platform for the energy industry, will be in effect for three years. It aims to establish a formal collaboration between the companies in providing training and networking opportunities specifically within the oil and gas, energy industry. This will allow UTP students and lecturers to network with various w...