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Showing posts from January, 2018

Trade Signal Alert For Elang Mahkota Teknologi Tbk (EMTK.JK) - Sheridan Daily

The Awesome Oscillator for Elang Mahkota Teknologi Tbk ( EMTK.JK) is showing a five day consistent uptrend, signaling building market momentum for the shares.  Author and trader Bill Williams created The Awesome Oscillator Indicator (AO) and outlined the theory and calculation in his book “New Trading Dimensions”.  The indicator shows the difference between two simple moving averages that can help define moving strength of the market. Bill Williams developed this indicator on the basis of earlier existed MACD and made a number of changes. The Awesome Oscillator subtracts a 34 period simple moving average (SMA) from a 5 period SMA. It illustrates what’s happening to the market driving force at the present moment.  The interpretation is similar to MACD including buying when the oscillator crosses through the zero line to the upside and selling when it crosses back below. Of course, this will result is many false signals in flat or choppy markets.  ...

Secretary Board Of Director - Tech in Asia

[unable to retrieve full-text content] Secretary Board Of Director Tech in Asia Produces information by transcribing, formatting, inputting, editing, retrieving, copying, and transmitting text, data, and graphics. Organizes work by reading and routing correspondence; collecting information; initiating telecommunications. Maintains ... Baca Kelanjutan Secretary Board Of Director - Tech in Asia :

Regeringen vil gøre folkeskoleelever klogere på teknologi - Børsen Online

Regeringen vil skabe øget forståelse for teknologiens muligheder blandt de danske folkeskoleelever. Det skal i første omgang ske gennem en fireårig forsøgsordning med cirka 40-50 folkeskoler. Ordningen skal skabe viden om, hvordan man bedst muligt styrker teknologiforståelsen hos den enkelte elev og gør temaet til en obligatorisk del af undervisningen af folkeskolen. Forsøget glæder undervisningsminister Merete Riisager (LA). - Vi skal ikke blot være brugere af teknologi. Vi skal også være dem, der former den. - Det kræver, at vi ruster den enkelte elev til et stadigt mere teknologisk samfund, siger hun i en pressemeddelelse. Helt konkret er der fra det nuværende skoleår indført et valgfag i teknologiforståelse i folkeskolens udskoling. Målet om at gøre folkeskoleelever klogere på den teknologiske udvikling er en del af regeringens nye strategi for Danmarks digitale vækst. Den indeholder syv større initiativer. I alt er der afsat en milliard kroner til strategiens syv større in...

Regeringen: Folkeskoleelever skal vide mere om teknologi - DR

Regeringen vil skabe øget forståelse for teknologiens muligheder blandt folkeskoleelever. Det skal i første omgang ske gennem en fireårig forsøgsordning med cirka 40-50 folkeskoler. Her skal man finde ud af, hvordan man bedst styrker teknologiforståelsen hos den enkelte elev og gør temaet til en obligatorisk del af undervisningen af folkeskolen. - Vi skal ikke blot være brugere af teknologi, vi skal også forme den. Det kræver, at vi ruster den enkelte elev til et mere teknologisk samfund, lyder det fra undervisningsminister Merete Riisager (LA). Helt konkret er der fra det nuværende skoleår indført et valgfag i teknologiforståelse i folkeskolens udskoling. Målet om at gøre folkeskoleelever klogere på den teknologiske udvikling er en del af regeringens nye strategi for Danmarks digitale vækst. Den indeholder syv større initiativer, og der er afsat en milliard kroner frem til 2025. Et af strategiens primære punkter er en såkaldt Digital Hub - et offentligt-privat partnerskab. Det...

Putting PERISAI PETROLEUM TEKNOLOGI BHD (0047.KL) Under the Microscope: Stock Ticks 0.01 - Stock Press Daily

PERISAI PETROLEUM TEKNOLOGI BHD ( 0047.KL) shares are moving today on volatility  15.38% or $ 0.01 from the open.  The   BM listed company  saw a recent bid of  0.075 and  33665200 shares have traded hands in the session. As investors survey the stock market, they will often look to make the smartest possible decisions when purchasing company shares. Individual investors may have to do a lot more work if they choose to manage their own stock portfolios. Serious investors often review every bit of information that they can get their hands on in order to develop even the slightest edge. Markets have the ability to move substantially in either direction with little or no notice. Investors who prepare themselves to battle the unknown may be able to better ride out stormy stock market conditions when they arise. Turning to Return on Assets or ROA, </span> Australian Worldwide Exploration Ltd ( AWE.AX) has a current ROA of -36.35. This is a pr...

Putting PERISAI PETROLEUM TEKNOLOGI BHD (0047.KL) Under the Microscope: Stock Ticks 0.01 - Stock Press Daily

PERISAI PETROLEUM TEKNOLOGI BHD ( 0047.KL) shares are moving today on volatility  15.38% or $ 0.01 from the open.  The   BM listed company  saw a recent bid of  0.075 and  33665200 shares have traded hands in the session. As investors survey the stock market, they will often look to make the smartest possible decisions when purchasing company shares. Individual investors may have to do a lot more work if they choose to manage their own stock portfolios. Serious investors often review every bit of information that they can get their hands on in order to develop even the slightest edge. Markets have the ability to move substantially in either direction with little or no notice. Investors who prepare themselves to battle the unknown may be able to better ride out stormy stock market conditions when they arise. Turning to Return on Assets or ROA, </span> Australian Worldwide Exploration Ltd ( AWE.AX) has a current ROA of -36.35. This is a pr...

Elang Mahkota Teknologi Tbk (EMTK.JK) Sees a Nice Gain of 4.70% For the Week - TCT

Elang Mahkota Teknologi Tbk (EMTK.JK) shares are showing positive momentum over the past week as the stock has clocked in with gains of 4.70% .  In taking a look at recent performance, we can see that shares have moved 2.99% over the past 4-weeks, 3.27% over the past half year and 2.44% over the past full year. Some traders may be using technical analysis to try and beat the stock market. There are many different indicators that traders have at their disposal. The sheer amount of indicators may leave the trader wondering which ones to use. Studying different technical indicators and signals may be worthwhile and educational, but the average investor may only end up focusing on a couple different indicators that actually work. Finding which indicators to follow and trade on may take some time and effort. Scoping out the proper signals and figuring out which ones tend to work the best may be on the minds of many traders. Trying to follow too many technical indicators might not be t...

Putting PERISAI PETROLEUM TEKNOLOGI BHD (0047.KL) Under the Microscope: Stock Ticks 0.01 - Stock Press Daily

PERISAI PETROLEUM TEKNOLOGI BHD ( 0047.KL) shares are moving today on volatility  15.38% or $ 0.01 from the open.  The   BM listed company  saw a recent bid of  0.075 and  33665200 shares have traded hands in the session. As investors survey the stock market, they will often look to make the smartest possible decisions when purchasing company shares. Individual investors may have to do a lot more work if they choose to manage their own stock portfolios. Serious investors often review every bit of information that they can get their hands on in order to develop even the slightest edge. Markets have the ability to move substantially in either direction with little or no notice. Investors who prepare themselves to battle the unknown may be able to better ride out stormy stock market conditions when they arise. Turning to Return on Assets or ROA, </span> Australian Worldwide Exploration Ltd ( AWE.AX) has a current ROA of -36.35. This is a pr...

PERISAI PETROLEUM TEKNOLOGI BHD (0047.KL) Moving 15.38% in Session - The Times

PERISAI PETROLEUM TEKNOLOGI BHD ( 0047.KL) shares are moving today on volatility  15.38% or 0.01 from the open.  The   BM listed company  saw a recent bid of 0.075 and  33665200 shares have traded hands in the session. Technical investors generally rely heavily on price charts to help spot potential trades. Chartists will often try to interpret past movements with the goal of trying to gauge the future share price movements. Some charts can be extremely complex while others may be quite simple. Many traders will spend countless hours studying the signals to try to spot optimal entry and exit points. There are many different indicators that technical analysts can follow. Some traders will use standalone signals, and others will use a robust combination. Getting into the nitty-gritty of charting can be overwhelming for the beginner. Taking the time to completely understand what the charts are saying can be the difference between a big win and a major...

9 Miliarder Tersukses di Bidang Teknologi - Tribunnews

TRIBUNNEWS.COM, JAKARTA - Hampir sepertiga dari nama 30 milyader terkaya yang baru saja diperkenalkan pada website  Bloomberg Billionaires Index  ini memiliki satu kesamaan yang menonjol yakni mereka meraih keberuntungannya di bidang teknologi. Nama-nama milyader terkaya yang termasuk diantaranya adalah Bill Gates, pemilik dari Microsoft, ia meraih predikat sebagai laki-laki terkaya di dunia. Kemudian disusul oleh Jeff Bezos yang merupakan pendiri dari Amazon, dan ada pula Mark Zuckerberg sebagai penggagas Facebook. Meskipun Amerika mendominasi jumlah milyader di bidang teknologi, tidak mau kalah dengan hal tersebut, milyader dari Cina bernama Jack Ma yang merupakan  founder   dari Alibaba dan Pony Ma dari Tencent juga termasuk ke dalam 9 nama milyader terkaya di bidang teknologi. Pendapatan di bidang teknologi memang terbukti cukup naik turun dan persaingan terbilang cukup sengit. Kesembilan nama dari milyader terkaya tersebut merupakan buah dari  self-made...

PERISAI PETROLEUM TEKNOLOGI BHD (0047.KL) Moving 15.38% in Session - The Times

PERISAI PETROLEUM TEKNOLOGI BHD ( 0047.KL) shares are moving today on volatility  15.38% or 0.01 from the open.  The   BM listed company  saw a recent bid of 0.075 and  33665200 shares have traded hands in the session. Technical investors generally rely heavily on price charts to help spot potential trades. Chartists will often try to interpret past movements with the goal of trying to gauge the future share price movements. Some charts can be extremely complex while others may be quite simple. Many traders will spend countless hours studying the signals to try to spot optimal entry and exit points. There are many different indicators that technical analysts can follow. Some traders will use standalone signals, and others will use a robust combination. Getting into the nitty-gritty of charting can be overwhelming for the beginner. Taking the time to completely understand what the charts are saying can be the difference between a big win and a major...

Elang Mahkota Teknologi Tbk (EMTK.JK) Reaches Active Mover List (3.43%) - Clawson News

Shares of  Elang Mahkota Teknologi Tbk ( EMTK.JK) are moving on volatility today  3.43% or 325.00 from the open.  The   ISE listed company  saw a recent bid of 9800.00 and  38500 shares have traded hands in the session. Technical investors generally rely heavily on price charts to help spot potential trades. Chartists will often try to interpret past movements with the goal of trying to gauge the future share price movements. Some charts can be extremely complex while others may be quite simple. Many traders will spend countless hours studying the signals to try to spot optimal entry and exit points. There are many different indicators that technical analysts can follow. Some traders will use standalone signals, and others will use a robust combination. Getting into the nitty-gritty of charting can be overwhelming for the beginner. Taking the time to completely understand what the charts are saying can be the difference between a big win and a...

PERISAI PETROLEUM TEKNOLOGI BHD (0047.KL) RMI Climbing Towards Key Levels - Buckeye Business Review

Shares of PERISAI PETROLEUM TEKNOLOGI BHD (0047.KL) have seen the Relative Momentum Indicator (RMI) climb higher over the past 5 sessions.  When this occurs, traders will be watching closely to see if the price breaks through a key level into overbought territory.   The Relative Momentum Index was created by Roger Altman and was first published in his article in a1993 issue of Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities magazine. Altman described the indicator in the following way: ““the RSI is modified by counting up and down days starting from today’s close relative to the close Y days ago, where Y is not necessarily 1 as required by the RSI. The RSI is released from the arbitrary restriction of comparing consecutive days for price changes” changing the  period to 20 days, but with Y set at 5 instead of 1 makes it  “easier to anticipate tradable reversal points compared with the one-parameter RSI. This modification is called the relative m...

Ny aftale skal gøre virksomheder klogere på teknologi - Denmarks Radio

I denne uge afholder World Economic Forum sit årlige møde i Davos i Schweiz. Her mødes blandt andre statsledere og topchefer fra hele verden. Torsdag har statsminister Lars Løkke Rasmussen (Venstre) lavet en aftale i Davos om et samarbejde mellem regeringen og World Economic Forum. Aftalen skal hjælpe danske virksomheder med at blive klogere på moderne teknologi og støtte samarbejde om miljøvenlig vækst. Danmark får aftale som det første europæiske land Danmark er det første europæiske land, der indgår en sådan aftale med World Economic Forum. Statsminister Lars Løkke Rasmussen (Venstre) siger, at de nye muligheder ved moderne teknologi kræver, at Danmark har kompetencer, der er gode nok. - Den nye teknologi, robotterne og kunstig intelligens kan gøre utrolig meget godt for menneskeheden. Der er masser af muligheder, siger han. Aftalen kan hjælpe virksomheder Stephanie Surruge er DR’s internationale korrespondent. - Det er jo ikke en aftale, de danske virksomheder kan bruge...

Marcella Zalianty Takut Gunakan Kecanggihan Teknologi untuk Kecantikan -

[unable to retrieve full-text content] Marcella Zalianty Takut Gunakan Kecanggihan Teknologi untuk Kecantikan JAKARTA, -- Marcella Zalianty (37) mengatakan bahwa ia tidak memiliki cara khusus untuk menjaga penampilannya, termasuk menggunakan kecanggihan teknologi untuk kecantikan. Artis peran ini menyampaikan hal itu dalam wawancara ketika ia hadir ... Baca Kelanjutan Marcella Zalianty Takut Gunakan Kecanggihan Teknologi untuk Kecantikan - :

Go against the flow when seeking employment, Bumiputera students told - The Malaysian Insight

[unable to retrieve full-text content] Go against the flow when seeking employment, Bumiputera students told The Malaysian Insight Go against the flow when seeking employment, Bumiputera students told Universiti Teknologi Mara Pro-Chancellor Arshad Ayub urges Bumiputera students not to be afraid of looking for work experience in areas different from their fields of study. – The ... Baca Kelanjutan Go against the flow when seeking employment, Bumiputera students told - The Malaysian Insight :

PERISAI PETROLEUM TEKNOLOGI BHD (0047.KL) Sees The Tape Move Mid-Market - Financial Newsweek

PERISAI PETROLEUM TEKNOLOGI BHD ( 0047.KL) shares are moving today on volatility  0.00% or 0.00 from the open.  The   BM listed company  saw a recent bid of 0.06 and  13285000 shares have traded hands in the session. Investors may already be plotting the course for the next few quarters. Many investing decisions may need to be made after the next round of company earnings reports are released. Studying the numbers can help the investor see whether or not the stock’s prospects look good in the near term as well as the longer term. It remains to be seen whether optimism in the stock market will continue into the next year. Investors will closely be monitoring the major economic data reports over the next couple of months. While nobody can be sure which way the momentum will shift, preparing for multiple market scenarios may greatly help the investor if changes start to occur. PERISAI PETROLEUM TEKNOLOGI BHD (0047.KL) has a 14-day ATR of 0.01. The Av...

PERISAI PETROLEUM TEKNOLOGI BHD (0047.KL) Sees The Tape Move Mid-Market - Financial Newsweek

PERISAI PETROLEUM TEKNOLOGI BHD ( 0047.KL) shares are moving today on volatility  0.00% or 0.00 from the open.  The   BM listed company  saw a recent bid of 0.06 and  13285000 shares have traded hands in the session. Investors may already be plotting the course for the next few quarters. Many investing decisions may need to be made after the next round of company earnings reports are released. Studying the numbers can help the investor see whether or not the stock’s prospects look good in the near term as well as the longer term. It remains to be seen whether optimism in the stock market will continue into the next year. Investors will closely be monitoring the major economic data reports over the next couple of months. While nobody can be sure which way the momentum will shift, preparing for multiple market scenarios may greatly help the investor if changes start to occur. PERISAI PETROLEUM TEKNOLOGI BHD (0047.KL) has a 14-day ATR of 0.01. The Av...

Marcella Zalianty Takut Gunakan Kecanggihan Teknologi untuk Kecantikan -

JAKARTA, -- Marcella Zalianty (37) mengatakan bahwa ia tidak memiliki cara khusus untuk menjaga penampilannya, termasuk menggunakan kecanggihan teknologi untuk kecantikan. Artis peran ini menyampaikan hal itu dalam wawancara ketika ia hadir pada acara Pameran Seni Badak Sumatera: Harta Karun Tersembunyi Indonesia, di Perpustakaan Nasional Republik Indonesia, Jalan Medan Merdeka Selatan, Jakarta Pusat, Jumat lalu (19/1/2018). "Saya mungkin orang yang tidak cocok ditanya soal kecantikan, karena saya paling simpel dan sederhana untuk urusan kecantikan," kata Ketua Persatuan Artis Film Indonesia (Parfi) 56 ini. "Jadi saya memang tidak pernah melalukan upaya khusus dan saya penakut, apalagi dengan kecanggihan-kecanggihan teknologi sekarang untuk kecantikan," sambungnya. Baca juga: Marcella Zalianty Tak Bisa Lepas dari Tiga Barang Bawaan Ini Meski tidak berani memanfaatkan kecanggihan teknologi, istri pembalap Ananda Mikola ini memliki cara lain untuk t...

Trend Indicator Update on PERISAI PETROLEUM TEKNOLOGI BHD (0047.KL) - Searcy News

Traders may be trying to figure out whether it is a good time to enter or exit a position in PERISAI PETROLEUM TEKNOLOGI BHD (0047.KL). The Average Directional Index or ADX is a technical analysis indicator used to describe if a market is trending or not trending. The ADX alone measures trend strength but not direction. Using the ADX with the Plus Directional Indicator (+DI) and Minus Directional Indicator (-DI) may help determine the direction of the trend as well as the overall momentum. Many traders will use the ADX alongside other indicators in order to help spot proper trading entry/exit points. Currently, the 14-day ADX is 46.63.  Generally speaking, an ADX value from 0-25 would indicate an absent or weak trend. A value of 25-50 would indicate a strong trend. A value of 50-75 would signal a very strong trend, and a value of 75-100 would indicate an extremely strong trend. PERISAI PETROLEUM TEKNOLOGI BHD (0047.KL) presently has a 14-day Commodity Channel Index (CCI) of 62.31...

Moeldoko Puji Teknologi MBG UGM untuk Budidaya Ikan - News, Sleman - Kepala Staf Kepresidenan (KSP) yang juga Ketua umum Himpunan Kerukunan Tani Indonesia (HKTI) Jenderal TNI (Purn) Moeldoko menghadiri panen ikan berteknologi micro bubble generator (MBG) karya mahasiswa Universitas Gajah Mada (UGM). Moeldoko mengaku bangga mahasiswa Indonesia makin aplikatif dengan kepentingan petani. "Penemuan ini menjawab hal utama bagaimana manfaatnya bagi petani secara langsung," ujar Moeldoko pada syukuran panen ikan nila merah kelompok tani Mina Ngeromboko, Sleman, Yogyakarta, Sabtu 20 Januari 2018. Menurut Moeldoko , jika teknologi aplikatif ini terus dikembangkan, maka tingkat kesejahteraan petani bisa naik. Dikatakannya, proses pertanian rakyat, terutama budidaya ikan air tawar di Yogyakarta yang terbatas lahannya, membutuhkan terobosan agar bisa diterima dalam skala industri. Teknologi MBG merupakan pembuatan gelembung udara mikro dengan generator kecil. Gelembung ini yang memperkaya oksigen dalam air. "Teknologi ...

Needle Tilting Mid-Session For PERISAI PETROLEUM TEKNOLOGI BHD (0047.KL) As Shares Move 0.00% - Financial Newsweek

Shares of  PERISAI PETROLEUM TEKNOLOGI BHD ( 0047.KL) are moving on volatility today  0.00% or 0.00 from the open.  The   BM listed company  saw a recent bid of 0.065 and  31230600 shares have traded hands in the session. Some investors may be struggling after adding the wrong stocks to the portfolio. Creating a specific plan for investing may help turn the ship around. The stock market is still producing plenty of green arrows, and investors need to be able to capitalize. It is quite reasonable to be optimistic about the investment environment heading into the second half of the year. The next couple of weeks may be the perfect time for investors to put the pedal down and try to develop a strategy that will beat the market over the next quarter. Most investors realize that there are no certainties when it comes to equity investing. It is never a guarantee that a stock or an index will go up or down from one day to the next. Investors who prep...

Masuki Tahun 2018, Berikut Teknologi Smartphone yang Diprediksi Makin Populer - Tribunnews

Pada tahun 2017 banyak teknologi smartphone canggih yang diperkenalkan kepada masyarakat. Memasuki tahun 2018, banyak teknologi tersebut yang diprediksi tetap akan berjaya bahkan akan semakin populer digunakan oleh masyarakat. Dihimpun oleh tim, berikut teknologi-teknologi smartphone yang diprediksi akan semakin populer di tahun 2018. Layar Bezel Less Belakang ini layar screen-to-body ratio atau bezel less sangat berkembang pada produk smartphone dunia. Teknologi yang menghilakan jarak antara layar dengan pinggiran ini memang memiliki daya tarik tersendiri bahkan menambah kesan mewah pada smartphone . Face Access Fitur pemindai sidik jari atau fingerprint kini tidak lagi dianggap sebagai fitur canggih pada smartphone . Menggantikan fitur tersebut, muncul fitur Face Recognition atau Face Access , yakni teknologi yang menggunakan wajah pengguna untuk membuka layar smartphone . Menurut para ahli gadget, fitur ini akan makin bersinar di tahun 2018 bahkan dipredi...