PERISAI PETROLEUM TEKNOLOGI BHD ( 0047.KL) shares are moving today on volatility 12.50% or 0.005 from the open. The BM listed company saw a recent bid of 0.045 and 374000 shares have traded hands in the session. When it comes to investing in the equity market, discipline can play a major role in achieving ones goals. A few bad moves can send the investor’s confidence spiraling. Acting purely on emotion can lead to impulsive decisions that may cause the losses to pile up. Creating a solid plan and following through with the plan can help investors stay on track and focus on the proper details. Markets are constantly going up and down and the investing ride can sometimes be a bumpy one. Being able to see the big picture and focus on the important data can help keep the investor tuned in to the right channel. Investors who expect to jump into the market and immediately start raking in the profits may find out fairly quickly that trading without ...