PERISAI PETROLEUM TEKNOLOGI BHD (0047.KL) Seeing Twiggs Money Flow Bolt Above Zero Line - Freeburg Standard
PERISAI PETROLEUM TEKNOLOGI BHD (0047.KL) shares under being placed under the lens today as the Twiggs Money Flow indicator, or TMF has climbed above the zero line, indicating bullish momentum. Twiggs Money Flow Index is a technical indicator created by Collin Twiggs. It is derived from Chaikin Money Flow Index but uses true ranges instead of highs minus lows to prevent spikes due to gaps. It is also using a smoothing exponential moving average to prevent volume spikes to alter results. The exponential moving average is the one described by Welles Wilder for many of his indicators.
When Twiggs Money Flow Index moves above 0, players are accumulating and thus prices are subject to climb higher. When Twiggs Money Flow Index is below 0, players are distributing and prices are more subject to move lower. Divergences of Twiggs Money Flow Index indicator with prices give also solid signals.
Taking a look at other technical levels, the 3-day RSI stands at 8.02, the 7-day sits at 33.91 and the 14-day (most common) is at 45.90. The Relative Strength Index (RSI) is an often employed momentum oscillator that is used to measure the speed and change of stock price movements. When charted, the RSI can serve as a visual means to monitor historical and current strength or weakness in a certain market. This measurement is based on closing prices over a specific period of time. As a momentum oscillator, the RSI operates in a set range. This range falls on a scale between 0 and 100. If the RSI is closer to 100, this may indicate a period of stronger momentum. On the flip side, an RSI near 0 may signal weaker momentum. The RSI was originally created by J. Welles Wilder which was introduced in his 1978 book “New Concepts in Technical Trading Systems”.
Keeping an eye on Moving Averages, the 50-day is 0.05, the 200-day is at 0.05, and the 7-day is 0.06 for PERISAI PETROLEUM TEKNOLOGI BHD (0047.KL). Moving averages have the ability to be used as a powerful indicator for technical stock analysis. Following multiple time frames using moving averages can help investors figure out where the stock has been and help determine where it may be possibly going. The simple moving average is a mathematical calculation that takes the average price (mean) for a given amount of time.
Sharp investors may be looking to examine the Williams Percent Range or Williams %R. Developed by Larry Williams, this indicator helps spot overbought and oversold market conditions. The Williams %R shows how the current closing price compares to previous highs/lows over a specified period. PERISAI PETROLEUM TEKNOLOGI BHD (0047.KL)’s Williams Percent Range or 14 day Williams %R is sitting at -83.33. Typically, if the value heads above -20, the stock may be considered to be overbought. On the flip side, if the indicator goes under -80, this may signal that the stock is oversold.
Another technical indicator that might serve as a powerful resource for measuring trend strength is the Average Directional Index or ADX. The ADX was introduced by J. Welles Wilder in the late 1970’s and it has stood the test of time. The ADX is typically used in conjunction with the Plus Directional Indicator (+DI) and Minus Directional Indicator (-DI) to help spot trend direction as well as trend strength. At the time of writing, the 14-day ADX for PERISAI PETROLEUM TEKNOLOGI BHD (0047.KL) is noted at 38.13. Many technical analysts believe that an ADX value over 25 would suggest a strong trend. A reading under 20 would indicate no trend, and a reading from 20-25 would suggest that there is no clear trend signal.
Investors may use various technical indicators to help spot trends and buy/sell signals. Presently, PERISAI PETROLEUM TEKNOLOGI BHD (0047.KL) has a 14-day Commodity Channel Index (CCI) of -161.40. The CCI was developed by Donald Lambert. The assumption behind the indicator is that investment instruments move in cycles with highs and lows coming at certain periodic intervals. The original guidelines focused on creating buy/sell signals when the reading moved above +100 or below -100. Traders may also use the reading to identify overbought/oversold conditions.
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