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Showing posts from September, 2017

5 Teknologi Pintar untuk Rumah Orang Pintar - Properti, Jakarta Perkembangan teknologi disertai inovasi-inovasi terkini sejatinya diciptakan memang untuk memudahkan hidup kita. Teknologi pun hadir di segala aspek kehidupan, bahkan hingga merambah ke peralatan rumah tangga. (Baca juga: 6 Perabot Pintar Penghemat Ruangan Sempit ) Saat ini peralatan rumah tangga bahkan sudah mengusung teknologi pintar. Perangkat ini dibuat untuk mempermudah para pemilik rumah, khususnya bagi Anda yang sibuk. Misalnya saja pengendali rumah jarak jauh, kulkas pintar, hingga meja pendeteksi kesehatan bayi. Dengan adanya perangkat pintar ini Anda jadi tak perlu repot-repot lagi soal urusan rumah, sekalipun tengah sibuk beraktivitas di luar Anda tetap dapat memantau dan mengendalikannya. Dan berikut adalah beberapa teknologi pintar yang layak dimiliki setiap rumah menurut pakar teknologi Anthony Caruana, dikutip dari . Cek, barangkali Anda berminat mengaplikasikannya di rumah Anda! 1. Saklar pintar Teknologi saklar pintar akan mempe...

Teknologi var til stor hjelp for barn med funksjonsnedsettelser -

Barn og tenåringer med funskjonsnedsettelser opplever store begrensninger i hverdagen. Flere kan ikke dra steder uten følge av foreldre eller andre som må passe på dem. Nå kan noe så enkelt som en klokke med GPS- og ringefunksjon gi dem mulighet til å utforske verden alene for aller første gang. 22 barn og unge med funksjonsnedsettelser i til sammen 21 familier i Horten og Drammen har det siste året testet ut velferdsteknologi. Barna har alt fra ADHD og autismespekterforstyrrelser til Cerebral Parese, Downs syndrom og Aspbergers syndrom, opplyser forskerne. Hver av dem har fått tildelt teknologiske verktøy som de kan ha nytte av, basert på hva slags utfordringer de møter i hverdagen. Noen trenger hjelp med språk og kommunikasjon, mens andre trenger hjelp til å ha kontroll på hva som skal skje når eller rett og slett huske eiendeler og avtaler. I all hovedsak dreier mye seg om bruk av smarttelefoner og nettbrett med apper. Eksempler på sl...

Manfaatkan Teknologi, Lawble Sediakan Data Berbagai Produk Hukum - Tribunnews

TRIBUNNEWS.COM - PT Karya Digital Nusantara belum lama ini resmi meluncurkan Lawble, sebuah startup di bidang Regtech. Lawble memanfaatkan teknologi untuk menjangkau dan mengedukasi masyarakat luas terkait hukum dengan menyediakan akses ke basis data untuk produk-produk hukum . Menurut Charya Rabindra Lukman selaku Founding Member & CEO Lawble, ide ini berasal dari keinginan untuk memiliki bisnis yang tidak hanya profitable , namun juga berdampak positif bagi masyarakat. "Berbagai industri sudah memanfaatkan teknologi. Sekarang saatnya kami menggunakan teknologi untuk industri hukum demi menjangkau audiens yang lebih luas dan menciptakan regulatory inclusion ," ujar Charya dalam siaran persnya. Lawble menyediakan sebuah website-application (Web-App) www.lawble.comuntuk masyarakat mengakses berbagai produk hukum yang berlaku di Indonesia. Sedangkan untuk portal pengetahuan umum terkait hukum dalam aktivitas sehari-hari dapat diakses di . ...

EMAS Offshore Limited: Announcement in Relation to Settlement Agreement With Perisai Petroleum Teknologi BHD - AsiaOne

SINGAPORE , Sept. 29, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- The Board of Directors (the " Board ") of EMAS Offshore Limited (the " Company ", together with its subsidiaries and associated companies) refers to its announcement made on 23 December, 2016 (" 23 December Announcement ") in relation to the Company's entry into a settlement agreement (" Settlement Agreement ") with Perisai Petroleum Teknologi Bhd (" PPTB ") and the announcements made on 21 April 2017 , 24 May 2017 and 20 August 2017 (" Previous Announcements "). All capitalised terms not defined shall have the same meaning as set out in the 23 December Announcement. Further to the Previous Announcements, on 27 September 2017 , the Company had written to PPTB that due to the lapse of the Settlement Agreement, PPTB is required to comply with the Shareholders' Agreement dated 26 December 2013 which was terminated by the Company's notice dated 8 December 2016 ("...

PERISAI PETROLEUM TEKNOLOGI BHD (0047.KL) Moving 0.00% in Session - DARC News

Needle moving action has been spotted in PERISAI PETROLEUM TEKNOLOGI BHD ( 0047.KL) as shares are moving today on volatility  0.00% or 0.00 from the open.  The   BM listed company  saw a recent bid of 0.05 and  6929000 shares have traded hands in the session. Investors are typically looking for any little advantage when it comes to the equity markets. Investors often have to figure out not only how certain companies are faring, but also how the overall global economic landscape is shaping up. Focusing in on the proper economic data can help detect overall trends in the economy. Investors who are able to hone their analytical skills might be able to put themselves in a much better position to achieve success. Being able to process and organize all of the different types of financial information that is constantly being thrown around may be a great asset to the individual trader and investor. The amount of information floating around in today’s inves...

PERISAI PETROLEUM TEKNOLOGI BHD (0047.KL) Moving 0.00% in Session - DARC News

Needle moving action has been spotted in PERISAI PETROLEUM TEKNOLOGI BHD ( 0047.KL) as shares are moving today on volatility  0.00% or 0.00 from the open.  The   BM listed company  saw a recent bid of 0.05 and  6929000 shares have traded hands in the session. Investors are typically looking for any little advantage when it comes to the equity markets. Investors often have to figure out not only how certain companies are faring, but also how the overall global economic landscape is shaping up. Focusing in on the proper economic data can help detect overall trends in the economy. Investors who are able to hone their analytical skills might be able to put themselves in a much better position to achieve success. Being able to process and organize all of the different types of financial information that is constantly being thrown around may be a great asset to the individual trader and investor. The amount of information floating around in today’s inves...

EMAS Offshore Limited: Announcement in Relation to Settlement Agreement With Perisai Petroleum Teknologi BHD - AsiaOne

SINGAPORE , Sept. 29, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- The Board of Directors (the " Board ") of EMAS Offshore Limited (the " Company ", together with its subsidiaries and associated companies) refers to its announcement made on 23 December, 2016 (" 23 December Announcement ") in relation to the Company's entry into a settlement agreement (" Settlement Agreement ") with Perisai Petroleum Teknologi Bhd (" PPTB ") and the announcements made on 21 April 2017 , 24 May 2017 and 20 August 2017 (" Previous Announcements "). All capitalised terms not defined shall have the same meaning as set out in the 23 December Announcement. Further to the Previous Announcements, on 27 September 2017 , the Company had written to PPTB that due to the lapse of the Settlement Agreement, PPTB is required to comply with the Shareholders' Agreement dated 26 December 2013 which was terminated by the Company's notice dated 8 December 2016 ("...

PERISAI PETROLEUM TEKNOLOGI BHD (0047.KL) Reaches Active Mover List - Morgan Research

Shares of PERISAI PETROLEUM TEKNOLOGI BHD (0047.KL) have seen the needle move 0.00% or 0.00 in the most recent session. The BM listed company saw a recent bid of $0.05 on 5344300 volume.  For many individual investors, deciding the proper time to sell a stock may be just as important as figuring out which stocks to buy at the outset. Investors may be reviewing the portfolio and looking at some stocks that have taken off and made a big run to the upside. When this occurs, investors may need to make the tough decision of whether to take some profits or hold out for further gains. Because every scenario is different, investors may want to dig a little deeper into the fundamentals before making a decision. If the stock’s fundamentals have weakened, it might be time to reassess the position.  Taking a deeper look into the technical levels of </span> PERISAI PETROLEUM TEKNOLOGI BHD ( 0047.KL), we can see that  the Williams Percent Range or ...

PERISAI PETROLEUM TEKNOLOGI BHD (0047.KL) Reaches Active Mover List - Financial News Review

Shares of  PERISAI PETROLEUM TEKNOLOGI BHD ( 0047.KL) is moving on volatility today  -9.09% or -0.005 from the open.  The   BM listed company  saw a recent bid of  0.05 on  4330700 volume. One way to completely avoid market mistakes is to not invest at all. Of course, that could end up to be the greatest mistake of all. Investors will occasionally make some mistakes, as that comes with the territory. The key as with most things in life is to figure out how to learn from past mistakes and use that knowledge to make better decisions going forward. Pinpointing exactly what went wrong may help shed some light on what needs improvement. Sometimes, investors will suffer losses and become discouraged right out of the gate. The tendency is to then try to recoup losses by taking even bigger risks which can lead to complete disaster. One of the biggest differences between successful investors and failed investors is the willingness and ability to learn from pa...

PERISAI PETROLEUM TEKNOLOGI BHD (0047.KL) Awesome Oscillator Building Momentum - Concord Register

The Awesome Oscillator for PERISAI PETROLEUM TEKNOLOGI BHD ( 0047.KL) is showing a five day consistent uptrend, signaling building market momentum for the shares.  Author and trader Bill Williams created The Awesome Oscillator Indicator (AO) and outlined the theory and calculation in his book “New Trading Dimensions”.  The indicator shows the difference between two simple moving averages that can help define moving strength of the market. Bill Williams developed this indicator on the basis of earlier existed MACD and made a number of changes. The Awesome Oscillator subtracts a 34 period simple moving average (SMA) from a 5 period SMA. It illustrates what’s happening to the market driving force at the present moment.  The interpretation is similar to MACD including buying when the oscillator crosses through the zero line to the upside and selling when it crosses back below. Of course, this will result is many false signals in flat or choppy markets. ...

PERISAI PETROLEUM TEKNOLOGI BHD (0047.KL) Reaches Active Mover List - Financial News Review

Shares of  PERISAI PETROLEUM TEKNOLOGI BHD ( 0047.KL) is moving on volatility today  -9.09% or -0.005 from the open.  The   BM listed company  saw a recent bid of  0.05 on  4330700 volume. One way to completely avoid market mistakes is to not invest at all. Of course, that could end up to be the greatest mistake of all. Investors will occasionally make some mistakes, as that comes with the territory. The key as with most things in life is to figure out how to learn from past mistakes and use that knowledge to make better decisions going forward. Pinpointing exactly what went wrong may help shed some light on what needs improvement. Sometimes, investors will suffer losses and become discouraged right out of the gate. The tendency is to then try to recoup losses by taking even bigger risks which can lead to complete disaster. One of the biggest differences between successful investors and failed investors is the willingness and ability to learn from pa...

Tergilas Teknologi, Perusahaan Kartu Pos Tertua Inggris Bangkrut - Bisnis, London - Perkembangan teknologi yang makin mutakhir memberikan pengaruh luas ke berbagai bidang. Salah satunya adalah munculnya berbagai macam produk terknologi baru yang bisa semakin meringankan pekerjaan masyarakat. Tak jarang adanya teknologi juga merubah gaya hidup masyarakat. Alhasil, beberapa perusahaan yang dulu sempat sukses besar kini harus gulung tikar. Perusahaan pembuat kartu pos terbesar asal Inggris misalnya. Diberi nama J Salmon, perusahaan yang sudah ada sejak tahun 1880 itu akan tutup pada Desember 2017. Alasannya sederhana. Berkembangnya teknologi dan media sosial tanpa disadari telah membuat kebiasaan menulis dan berkirim kartu pos semakin terpinggirkan. Mengutip theguardian , Rabu (27/9/2017), teknologi yang makin berkembang membuat orang lebih banyak menggunakan media sosial seperti instagram dan whatsapp untuk berkirim pesan. Ini akhirnya yang memberikan dampak besar bagi industri kartu pos. Selain itu, pengelola J Salmon, kakak beradik Char...

Elang Mahkota Teknologi Tbk (EMTK.JK) Rank Correlation Gaining Momentum - Melville Review

Company shares of Elang Mahkota Teknologi Tbk (EMTK.JK) have seen the Rank Correlation Indicator climb higher over the past 3 trading days, suggesting that it could be nearing a turning point if the reading crosses the 80 mark.   The Rank Correlation Indicator, or RCI will find the highest high and the lowest low with a given range and will find out if the security is over or undervalued. It is very much like Stoachastic but with different time periods.  Created by Charles Spearman, the indicator oscillates between +100 and -100. At +100 there is a maximum positive correlation between rising price and date. However, if the indicator shows -100, the price falls continuously while the date continues to rise. There is hence a maximum negative correlation. The interpretation is analogous to that for other oscillators. If RCI is higher than 80 (overbought), then a sell signal is triggered, and if RCI is lower than -80 (oversold), a buy signal is given. In order to...

PERISAI PETROLEUM TEKNOLOGI BHD (0047.KL) Shares Moving On Volume - Financial News Review

Shares of PERISAI PETROLEUM TEKNOLOGI BHD (0047.KL) have seen the needle move 0.00% or 0.00 in the most recent session. The BM listed company saw a recent bid of $0.05 on 3965500 volume.  For technical traders, support and resistance lines play an important role. The support line generally displays the lowest price that investors will let a stock trade. This means that the stock price is unlikely to drop under this level. When support lines are breached, chartists may be watching for shares to move lower until they reach the next support level. The resistance line is the exact opposite of the support line. The resistance level is typically the highest price that investors will allow the stock to trade at. Traders will carefully watch the stock price when a resistance level is broken. The thought is that the price will continue to move towards the next level of resistance. Traders and investors may use support and resistance lines for various purposes. One ...

Elang Mahkota Teknologi Tbk (EMTK.JK) MFI Reading Under the Microscope - Wall Street Review

The Money Flow Index of Elang Mahkota Teknologi Tbk (EMTK.JK) this week has place the shares on the radar as it nears the key 20 or 30 level.  At the time of writing the MFI is dropping below 30 and trending lower for the name.  The Money Flow Index creates a ratio of Positive Money Flow and Negative Money Flow over time and scales it to a number between 0 and 100. The MFI value can be used to evaluate overbought and oversold conditions in a security the index moves above or below a certain reference level. Divergence between MFI and the price direction can also be indicative of a reversal. If price is trending higher and MFI is decreasing over that period, a market top may occur. Technical traders may also be looking at recent indicator levels on shares of Elang Mahkota Teknologi Tbk (EMTK.JK). After a recent check, the 50-day Moving Average is 10941.50, the 200-day Moving Average is 9650.28, and the 7-day is noted at 10257.14. Moving averages have the ability...

Focusing the Lens in on PERISAI PETROLEUM TEKNOLOGI BHD (0047.KL) Shares - DARC News

PERISAI PETROLEUM TEKNOLOGI BHD ( 0047.KL) shares are moving today on volatility  -9.09% or -0.005 from the open.  The   BM listed company  saw a recent bid of 0.05 and  4536300 shares have traded hands in the session. Keeping an eye on the all the day to day happenings in the stock market can be quite a task. Investors may need to try to focus in on the most important information when attempting to examine stocks to add to the portfolio. As earnings reports continue to roll in, investors may be taking a deeper look at some of the names that they have on their shortlist. Investors may also be taking a look at future estimates and guidance provided by companies in order to get a feel of how the stock price may be affected in the future. With the equity market still trading at super high levels, investors may be wondering how much higher some stocks in the portfolio can go. Maybe there are a few winners that look like they have peaked, and investors ...

Elang Mahkota Teknologi Tbk (EMTK.JK) Shares Move -2.86% - Stock Press Daily

Elang Mahkota Teknologi Tbk (EMTK.JK) has ended the week in the red, yielding negative results for the shares at they ticked -2.86%. In taking a look at recent performance, we can see that shares have moved -11.30% over the past 4-weeks, 13.33% over the past half year and -0.42% over the past full year. Making ones way through the equity markets can be highly challenging. Investors might be reviewing strategies to see what has worked and what hasn’t worked in the past. After studying the broader economic factors that impact equity markets, it may be time to focus in on specific stocks to add to the portfolio. Investors may examine different sectors first in order to figure out where the majority of the growth potential lies. Doing all the necessary research on sectors can help pinpoint where the next major trend will be forming. This study may not lead to exact findings, but it may provide a better framework with which to operate moving forward in the stock market. Finding t...

Ingeniørenes stemme søker frilansere innen teknologi og arbeidsliv - Journalisten

Har du interesse for og kunnskap om teknologi og arbeidsliv? Da er du kanskje den vi søker. Vi skal hylle ingeniørkunsten, gi innsikt i teknologiutviklingen og rette oppmerksomheten mot det som skjer i arbeidslivet. Derfor er vi på jakt etter dyktige frilansere fra hele landet. Våre frilansere kan levere til ulike plattformer, både tekst, foto, video og lyd. Men det er ingen krav at du behersker alle, for kanskje er du knallgod på video og lyd, eller kanskje er tekst og foto din spesialitet. Vi ønsker deg som er opptatt av ingeniører og teknologer og sakene som berører dem. Er dette noe du kunne tenke deg å jobbe med? Ta kontakt. Spørsmål om stillingen rettes til: Ansvarlig redaktør Christina Gulbrandsen på 901 64 396 eller [email protected] Kortfattet søknad med CV og linker/eksempler på arbeid du har gjort sendes til: [email protected] Arbeidsted: Norge Søknadsfrist: Snarest Let's block ads! (Why?) Baca Kelanjutan Ingeniørenes stemme søker frilansere innen te...

PETRONAS komersialkan teknologi - Berita Harian

KUALA LUMPUR: PETRONAS merancang meningkatkan sumbangan pendapatan daripada teknologi yang dibangunkan kumpulan penyelidiknya menerusi aktiviti pengkomersialan dalam kalangan industri minyak dan gas (O&G). Presiden dan Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Kumpulan PETRONAS, Tan Sri Wan Zulkiflee Wan Ariffin, berkata kumpulan percaya teknologi mampu memberikan kelebihan pada masa depan, justeru sekitar RM600 juta hingga RM800 juta setahun diperuntukkan bagi pembangunan teknologi. Katanya, pihaknya menjamin pembangunan teknologi tidak akan terhalang walaupun dalam persekitaran mencabar menerusi komitmen kumpulan untuk terus melabur dalam teknologi dan menjanjikan peruntukan tetap setiap tahun. "Saya rasa sebelum ini kami sudah banyak membangunkan teknologi dalam syarikat, tapi kami tak bagus dalam mempromosikan serta mengkomersialkan teknologi ini kerana ia memerlukan set kemahiran khusus. "Sumbangan komersial ketika ini sangat kecil, kerana itu kami perlu lebih kuat untuk melaksan...

Belajar Memahami Teknologi Mata Uang Digital - Republika Online

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, Oleh: Setyanavidita Livikacansera, wartawan Republika Krisis kredit suprima ( subprime mortgage ) yang terjadi pada akhir 2007 mengguncang perekonomian di Amerika Serikat (AS). Saat itu, harga rumah pun jatuh dan kerugian yang timbul dari krisis ini diperkirakan mencapai 35 triliun dolar AS. Tak hanya berdampak di AS, krisis ini juga berdampak pada negara-negara lain di dunia. Pada 2009, Satoshi Nakamoto tergerak menciptakan alternatif keuangan di luar sistem perbankan konvensional yang telah ada selama ini. Menurutnya, masalah utama dengan mata uang konvensional adalah begitu besarnya kepercayaan yang diperlukan untuk membuat sistem ini bekerja. Sayangnya, posisi bank sentral yang seharusnya dipercaya untuk menjaga kepercayaan ini justru menunjukkan hal sebaliknya. Bank yang selama ini dipercaya menyimpan uang kita dan mentransfernya secara elektronik, justru meminjamkannya ke dalam gelembung kredit dengan hampir tidak ada cadangan. Ketidakpercayaan Nakamoto pad...

Cina Beli Perusahaan Teknologi Chip Inggris - Republika Online

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, LONDON -- Perusahaan ekuitas yang didukung oleh Cina, Canyon Bridge membeli chip grafis untuk smarphone dari perusahaan teknologi Inggris, Imagination Technologies seharga 550 miliar poundsterling. Produk ini akan dijual pada Juni 2018 mendatang, setelah pelanggan terbesar Imagination Tehcnologies, Apple menyatakan berhenti menggunakan produknya. "Pembelian oleh Cina ini merupakan hasil yang sangat bagus, dan kami memastikan pabrik kami akan tetap berada di Inggris," ujar Bos Imagination Technologies Andrew Heath dilansir BBC News, Ahad (24/9). Heath mengatakan, Imagination telah membuat kemajuan yang sangat baik secara operasional maupun finansial paska putus kontrak dengan Apple. Menurutnya, dengan akuisisi dari Canyon Bridge ini akan memastikan bahwa perusahaan memiliki prospe pertumbuhan yang kuat. "Kami tetap memiliki perizinan IP independen yang berbasis di Inggris, namun beroperasi di seluruh dunia," ujar Heath. Canyon Bridge belum lama...

5 Teknologi Paling Canggih pada Zamannya, Kalau Dipakai Sekarang Dibilang 'Hari Gini?' - Tribun Style

TRIBUNSTYLE.COM -  5 teknologi ini dianggap paling keren pada zamannya, tapi kalau sekarang masih ada orang yang pakai dibilang 'hari gini?'  Berkembang cukup pesatnya teknologi dalam berbagai bidang sekarang ini, rupanya berimbas pada tersisihkannya trending techno zaman dulu yang sempat nge-hits. Semua berlomba-lomba untuk berinovasi dengan temuan-temuan baru yang dipercaya dapat semakin memudahkan urusan. Kini barang-barang jadul itu semakin sulit ditemukan bahkan sebagian sudah tak ada lagi. Akan tetapi keberadaannya terkadang membuat rindu banyak orang akan kenangan ketika dahulu menggunakannya. • 5 Aktor Indonesia Paling Dianggap Ganteng Menurut Wanita-wanita Korea, yang 2 Sudah Jadi Bapak Meski tak bisa lagi digunakan sebagai mana fungsinya dahulu. Beberapa orang yang masih memiliki memilih untuk menyimpannya sebagai koleksi. Untuk generasi sekarang ini tentu sudah banyak yang tak mengenal barang-barang tersebut. Pasalnya sudah banyak barang canggih baru yang...

Xiaomi Mi 7 Bakal Hadir dengan Teknologi Wireless Charging? - Tekno, Jakarta - Perusahaan teknologi asal Tiongkok Xiaomi akhirnya mengikuti langkah Apple terkait wireless charging  bagi smartphone mereka. Semua model iPhone yang dirilis pada 2017 juga telah didukung teknologi pengisian daya nirkabel. Kini, kabarnya flagship smartphone Xiaomi yang akan datang juga akan didukung pengisian daya nirkabel. Hal ini lantaran Xiaomi dikabarkan telah bergabung dengan Wireless Power Consortium (WPC). Mengutip laman Phone Arena , Jumat (22/9/2017), konsorsium tersebut merupakan kelompok perusahaan teknologi yang bertujuan mempromosikan platform pengisian daya nirkabel Qi. Sebelumnya, Apple bergabung dengan konsorsium tersebut pada Februari 2017, sedangkan Xiaomi saat itu belum memberikan pernyataan resmi. Namun, Xiaomi telah terdaftar dalam keanggotaan di WPC. Dengan demikian, pecinta perangkat Xiaomi bisa bersiap menyambut kehadiran flagship smartphone Xiaomi selanjutnya, Mi 7 didukung teknologi pengisian daya cepat. Sebelumnya, Mi ...

– LO-tillitsvalgte bør si ja til teknologi -

Nina Hanssen (tekst og foto) Skal vi frykte at roboter overta jobbene våre eller ser vi spøkelser på høylys dag? Dette var temaet som ble diskutert på LO Stats landskonferanse i fredag, den tredje og siste dagen av konferansen. En av dem som vet mest om digitaliseringen i Norge er Torgeir Waterhouse som er direktør for internett og nye media i IKT Norge. Han tok deltakerne med på en historisk reise på en humoristisk måte som fikk de fleste i forsamlingen til både å humre litt og til å se inn i fremtiden. «Er vi ikke kompetente nok i Norge?» var tittelen på hans foredrag. Og svaret var: «Selvfølgelig er vi det. Selvfølgelig er vi ikke det». Waterhouse minnet forsamlingen om at Norge faktisk var det første landet som testet ut forløperen til det som senere ble internett og trakk fram flere ting, blant annet deler til en mikrochip, der Norge har bidratt til teknologiske fremskritt de siste årene. Teknologi inn i skolen – Vi bør allerede i skolen gi våre barn ...

Shares Seesawing on Volume: PERISAI PETROLEUM TEKNOLOGI BHD (0047.KL) - The Times

Shares of  PERISAI PETROLEUM TEKNOLOGI BHD ( 0047.KL) is moving on volatility today  -9.09% or -0.005 from the open.  The   BM listed company  saw a recent bid of  0.05 on  8670500 volume. When doing stock research, there is plenty of easily measureable data regarding publically traded companies. There is also plenty of information that is not easily measured such as competitive advantage, quality of staff, and company reputation. Because there are forces such as the human element that come into play when selecting stocks, prices may not always move as expected. Even after crunching all the numbers and digging deep into a specific company, the stock’s performance still might not match expectations. Investors may realize that sometimes perception can be more powerful than reality. Human emotions can change very rapidly, and so can the prevailing market sentiment as well. PERISAI PETROLEUM TEKNOLOGI BHD (0047.KL) has a 14-day ATR of 0.01. The Average...